Introduction to Suprapubic catheters

The stents and catheters by ManishMedi Innovation is an ultimate invention in treating the urinary tract disorder.  The catheters are inserted into the patient’s body to ease the passage of urinary or any other liquid in the renal pelvis. There are some cases where the normal catheters cannot be used and in such cases, Suprapubic catheters are utilised. ManishMedi innovation, the leading manufacturer and supplier of specialised surgical instruments to the medical sectors has provided good quality Suprapubic catheters to the medical sector. The Suprapubic catheters are a thin, sterile tube which is used to drain the urine from the bladder.


Suprapubic catheters: Benefits and features

These catheters can be easily inserted into the bladder through a cut made in the lower belly, a little above the pubic bone.  To keep the catheters intact, a small Ballon is inflated inside which can hold the Suprapubic catheters in place. A small urine bag is placed on the thigh of the patients to collect the urine drained from the bladder. There is also a valve in the Suprapubic catheters which can drain the urine in the toilet or in any other container.

The Suprapubic catheter can be effectively used in patients suffering from nerve damage or it can be used on those who have the problems with the bladder or urethra. It is also used in cases where the patients have undergone a urethral trauma. The Suprapubic catheters are also used in patients who require long-term catheterization and also used after some gynecological operations such as prolapsed uterus or bladder.  It is to be noted that the Suprapubic catheterization needs to be performed with proper anesthesia; otherwise, the procedure may turn out painful. They come in the length varying from 20cm to 40 cms. The invention of Suprapubic catheters has relieved the pain to a maximum extent.

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