The Use Of Urology Catheters
The medical field has been working with dedication to come up with
the best solution that can cure some of the chronic diseases. The patients
suffering from kidney and urinary infection undergo severe pain due to the
formation of stone that blocks the ureter. At this stage, the patient finds it
difficult to pass urine and undergo severe pain and sometimes bleeding too. The
urology catheters by Manish Medi innovation is a
boon to the patients who have been suffering from this painful and awkward
disease. Manish Medi Innovation, an
ISO 9001:2008 certified company is the best manufacturer and supplier of
specialized surgical instruments to the medical sectors.
How do
urology catheters resolve kidney ailments?
During kidney stone formation, the stone blocks the gap between
the kidney and the bladder and prevents the urine to freely pass from the
kidney to the bladder. The Urology
catheters are used to widen the gap and allow free flow of the urine.
The advent of urology catheters has
eased the physiology issue that commonly arises among women and old age people.
The physician takes the responsibility of assuring the patients on the comfort,
benefits, and features of using the urology
catheters. Usually, patients are scared to instill any foreign materials
into their body; it is only after the assurance of the doctor they take courage
to insert the catheters. The urology
catheters are completely safe and are tested using various stringent
quality measures before promoting them for medical use.
The kidney stone can be removed through the surgical process also,
however with the invention of urology
catheters; these issues were resolved very easily. The urology catheters use tubes which are non-reactive to the body
liquids. The safe tubes are highly useful and are widely used for old age
people and in cases like spinal injuries, multiple sclerosis, and prostate
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